Conditions for delivering “Ready for Carriage”:
Before offering an outbound (export) consignment, the ground handler and Schiphol have to receive
a correct and fully completed electronic airway bill (eAWB)* in accordance with IATA-TACT rules
and IATA technical specifications (using the most recent version of Cargo-IMP, Cargo-XML or ONE
Record or the version immediately preceding the latest). The ground handler must be able to verify
the presence and completeness of the information received by Schiphol at consignment level via
The consignment must be offered with the ACN card. Before the consignment is delivered, all
customs formalities for export and re-export must have been met digitally.
The ground handler must be able to verify the presence and completeness of this at consignment level
via eLink**.
The consignment must be offered on pallet(s)*** in one lot to the ground handler’s warehouse floor
or on the load bed at the rear of the delivering vehicle.
Exception: ULD’s (BUP’s) that are stated as such on the airway bill (AWB or eAWB)*.
Each consignment must be delivered in such a manner that the number of pieces, the weight and all
labels can be checked that they are in accordance with the airway bill. The consignment must also
be controllable on damage and must be in accordance with IATA Regulations.
The consignment’s status must be ‘Secure’ in accordance with the applicable EU Regulations upon the
day of delivery. The Aviation Security information should be indicated electronically in the eAWB*
in accordance with IATA’s technical specifications or submitted via one of the alternative methods
for submitting an eCSD. The ground handler must be able to verify the presence and completeness of
this information at consignment level via eLink**.
The consignment is digitally pre-notified via eLink** including the license plate number of the
delivery vehicle and the driver’s ACN card number. The ground handler must be able to verify the
presence and completeness of the Digital Pre-Notification at shipment level via eLink**.
If the offered consignment is not in compliance with the regulations above, the ground handler can choose to
either refuse the consignment or to correct it in accordance with the relevant ground handler’s conditions.
The ground handler and driver can indicate this in eLink** or on a cargo delivery list signed by both parties.
Advance notification of the arrival of a “Not Ready for Carriage” delivery does not make the consignment
concerned “Ready for Carriage”.
* Exception to the use of eAWB (as defined on the IATA website and in IATA Multilateral Resolution
672) is that bilaterally it may be agreed that, temporarily, the FWB is sufficient (without EAP/EAW).
** eCargo Receipt/eLink or comparable (community) systems.
*** In accordance with legislation and regulations.