Note: pre-announcements will only be accepted if done through the Menzies World Cargo website. A fax, phone call or e-mail will not be accepted as pre-announcement.
As of today, Menzies World Cargo (Nederland) B.V. will maintain the RFC directions, printed on the back of the ACN receipt. For example our employees will check if the shipment is correctly delivered on the tailboard of the truck or on the warehouse floor behind the truck.
If freight is not delivered on the tailboard or is not placed on the warehouse floor, our employees will mark NRFC on the ACN receipt. Our invoicing department will check if a pre-alert form has been sent from our website. If the pre-alert has been received charges will be invoiced for unloading the truck. If for instance the forklift has been used, this will be marked immediately on the ACN receipt.
You can find our current rates regarding Not Ready For Carriage under the Invoicing menu.
If you have any further questions, then please let us know. You can send an e-mail to Margret Visser.